Friday, January 22, 2010

Aztec Maya Tattoo Wat Is The Difference Between The Aztec And Maya Calendar?

Wat is the difference between the aztec and maya calendar? - aztec maya tattoo

I watched them and I am confused Wat is the difference between them?

1 comment:

Tehtaza said...

First, make sure you are looking for two different calendars, the Aztec calendar is also on the location of the Mayan calendar is displayed, for people who do not know any better.
The Aztec Calendar ... and this is not really a calendar, it was an altar. ...

) The Maya (as the Aztecs after them had three different calendars. The Tzolkin Tzolkin, or for religious purposes was 260 days. Then, as a kind of solar calendar of the Haab of 365 days (18 months of 20 days plus 5 days without a name at the end of the year, and uses the Long Count calendar for a long time, and for the length of registration dates. Then you look in 3 different schedules, not one.

Here is an example of the Haab and the wheels is used to collect data to calculate: ...

This is an example of the Long Count calendar on a stele: ...

Tzolkin Calendar:
HTtp: / / bin / tzolki ...

And other examples of the Mayan calendar: ... ...

As you can see that are very different depending on whether we are observing.

Both the Aztec and Mayan calendars are on a system based on the widely used calendar in Mesoamerica. An important difference is that the Aztecs did not use the Long Count, the creation of data into a broader framework for the 52-year cycle. The more Maya is 63 million years. ... ...

Besides the differences are subtle, and uses the same system but with different names.
The Aztecs called their 260-day calendar and the Mayan Tzolkin tonalpohualli mentioned. Xiuhpohualli is 360 days, and the Aztecs, the Maya Haab calendar. And the characters used to name day is different.
Aztec: ...
Maya: / wiki /% # Tzolk 27IN ...

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