Monday, February 22, 2010

Example: Index.of Adult If God Exists, Why Isn't There A Huge Benefit To Those Who Follow And Obey Him?

If God exists, why isn't there a huge benefit to those who follow and obey him? - example: index.of adult

If God existed, do not expect that there is a big advantage for those willing to follow him and obey him? Why, instead, we see the opposite?

For example, there is increasing evidence that the illusion of religion leads to severe social impairment.

En général, les taux plus élevés de croyance de culte et d'un créateur de corrélation avec des taux plus élevés d'Homicides chez les jeunes et la mortalité adulte prématuré, le taux d'infection par les MST et les les grossesses précoces avortement in affluent democracies ...

America is the country where the religious investigated in the developed world. America also has major problems with regard to things like murder, juvenile and early adult mortality, the rate of STD infection, teen pregnancy and abortion.

Countries with high levels of atheism are also the most charitable giving in terms of foreign aid to developing countries. The dubious link between Christian literalism and Christian values is also belied by other indices of charity.

Consider the ratio of salaries between managers and their average employee: in Britain is 24 to 1, France 15-1, Sweden 1 for 13 in the United States, where 83% of the population believes that Jesus literally rose from the dead, is 475-1.


Bill Huggins said...

Wow Bella

The study is linked very interesting to read, but some of the statements in question are quite misleading.

First, you indicate that countries with high levels of atheism, the more profit, but sees in both dollar terms and in terms of U.S. dollars per capita, the United States, more foreign aid to France, one of the most secularized countries (), at least until the recent arrival of the Muslims. You will notice that there is an inverse relationship between external support (donations from the government with the money of the people) and international charitable contribution directly from the taxpayers.

The percentage of CEOs of high-level employees, on average, is needed to compare companies of similar size. The U.S. is home to over 60% of the Global-500-T () with over 500 most valuable companies in the world, and as a rule, the corp. worth more than their president will win. The proportions are much less when comparing different companies in narrow areas of net assets.

What is the meat of your question, and do not necessarily expect it to obey a huge advantage for those who follow /. Everything depends on the nature of God and how important it is for him to obey the people follow /. I suppose that God, if anything, or it might not matter if people obeyed followed. If they cover the following topics: obedience, I could use any number or) a combination of means to this end, the carrot (stick, the carrot or the stick, including a variety of spirits whether subtle or not recognize subtle simple mortals will be able to ,tion, understanding and appreciation of them, but can be very.

If God exists (big "if" there), and deserves to be regarded as a god, then it would be damn challenging, and personally doubt on my mind pure. If not, then he was late for a demotion.

Gen. Stiggo said...

Christians, you say, at least, he is a huge advantage, ie across the sky. Of course it was originally created as a tool to keep the farmers to ask the religious question, but it can still stop people from themselves why life can be very bad here.

Common said...

You know, this is one thing very good question. Never before has the debate has begun in this way. That is, I agree with the boss Atheati - it's like working with people. Sell scrap in the promise that you will have something big in the back. In this case, there is not a step back and say: "I just got a tip in the business!"

鉄人くん-tetsujin kun said...

The dosnt seem to want this, as it is, he wants us to see how terrible it is, there is hope in heaven.

Deth iz Life said...

As someone who has the God, both can you think that the experience was deeper than you could say happened to them has spoken. I am not a Bible beater, but I believe in God. I know that the gain came after death. The main reason is I do not get a huge advantage now, the hypocrisy! Religion is not trying to be superior to the others. We are all here on the side of the "other" than God, but for some reason. God has a plan, he said he did not say what it is, I do not ask, do not care to know that I love is God enough.The feel really indescribable. Like all statistics, because it is an evil empire, "What Goes Around Comes Around. Think most people believe is not reallycan not do what they are F'd up. I could go on, but not really the answer to your question, sorry. If you live a good life, and God knows who will benefit from, maybe not here but in the afterlife.

Faith said...

Originally, God gave us everything necessary for a happy and healthy. It gave us free will (controversial) and somehow we have as human beings end away from God and our own understanding. Environment perfect God has been altered by humans. Most of the things that are in death and disease, pain, men are not created?

To make it even more complicated analysis of the various disasters, particularly the misfortunes of those who were to appear in your plan to walk or your grace. There it is hairy ... God never said anywhere in the Bible that we have the perfect life as followers or believers. In fact, we asked the faith in difficult times, must prove that they really think.

The bottom line of the earthLife and is worth more to what God says that we are eternally with him over .. So you should do your best to so closely with their wishes, how to recognize and praise and pray for forgiveness follow.

In my belief, if a good man in a difficult phase, it is God testing. God tests he loves.He evidence approach. When a person inflicts severe pain or suffering, it is sometimes difficult, you may remember God. So in a sense, one who suffers the fate of the small under the test from God, and God considers it special and he loves it. In these times when the exposure of staff and patience, and remembers God, he gives the test with flying colors and was rewarded immeasurably,
Remember, nothing is final,not even pain.

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